We are proud to provide prevention and protection services to over 8,300 individuals living in four First Nation communities throughout Saskatchewan.

Beardy’s & Okemasis Cree Nation
An original signatory to Treaty 6, the Beardy’s & Okemasis Cree Nation (BOCN) is situated near the national historic sites of Fort Carlton and Batoche, home of the Riel Rebellion.
Our reserve lands extend from rich farmlands in central Saskatchewan to the resource rich lands of south-eastern Saskatchewan. The Nation has year-round access to service centers that are approximately 80 km north (Saskatoon) and 50km south (Prince Albert). We are in the heart of Saskatchewan, the land of living skies.
BOCN membership is approximately 3,502 with an on-reserve population of about 1,400 individuals. The community is a Plains Cree Nation and celebrates its own unique and vibrant culture and traditions. BOCN operates the Constable Robin Cameron Education Complex (CRCEC) with a nominal roll of 170 students and the Chief Beardy Memorial Elementary School with a nominal role of 160.
We are proud of our heritage and of the many educational opportunities, economic successes and community development work made possible by many years of strong leadership. Our Nation prides itself on its local sports talent with kids, youth and young adults playing in school sports, as well as in the city leagues.
There are approximately 520 children (0-18) on the reserve.
Resources in the community include the following: Willow Cree Education Complex, Constable Robin Cameron Education Complex, Willow Cree Health Station, Willow Cree Memorial Sports Centre, Willow Cree Healing Lodge, Beardy’s Day Care, Beardy’s Justice Building/Court House, Beardy’s Off-Reserve Family Wellness, Beardy’s Recreation Centre, Beardy’s Senior Citizen Centre, Brighter Futures Program, Handicap & Disability Group, Women Reaching for Harmony, Sports and Recreation.
The challenges recognized by the BOCN include: the intergenerational impacts of Residential Schools, multi-generational sexual abuse, loss of culture /traditions, cumulative grief, PTSD, domestic violence, addictions, cumulative trauma and family connections.
Priorities identified for this Multi Year plan are operation of primary services that offer community social activities, educational workshops, and fun activities that encourage healthy families, healing trauma, healing domestic violence, grief and cumulative loss, and isolation. Secondary services that offer one to one and family support/counselling, support for parents through group activities, referral for services from other providers, and resource coordination for the family and tertiary services that include support services, referrals and advocacy, resource coordination for individuals and family.
Building a Strong and Healthy Family is BOCN’s budgetary theme which incorporated the four areas of Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical health and well-being.

Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation
The Standing Buffalo First Nation is located 73 kilometers northeast of Regina (50-minute drive). It has a total registered population of 1,282 with 479 on reserve and 773 Band members currently living off the reserve.
At present there are approximately 175 children (0-18) on the reserve.
Resources in the community: Child Protection Services, Educational Services, Social Development programs, Health services, Justice, Economic Development, Housing, Public Works, Recreation and Youth programs.
The Standing Buffalo Dakota Nation will plan, manage and provide cultural activities and support programming in the community with specific culture incorporated into their five-year Multi Year Plan. Yearly priorities begin with capacity development in the development of youth sport activities, capital construction of two residential homes, staff enhancement and training of facilities, construction of a youth center and operational and sustainability funding for the residential areas that incorporate ceremonial activities.

Wahpeton Dakota Nation
Wahpeton Dakota Nation is located 15 kilometers northwest of Prince Albert. Currently, there are 535 people registered with the Wahpeton Dakota Nation, with 351 residing On – Reserve. 184 of the total Band memberships currently live off the reserve in the urban settings.
There are approximately 145 children (0-18) on the reserve.
Wahpeton Dakota Nation was established and recognized as a Reserve in 1894. The Dakota People had been living in and around this area for hundreds of years having campsites in the following areas: Little Red River Park (94B), Peter Pond, Cooke Municipal Golf Course, Carlton School, Miller’s Hill and a few other places in what is now known as Prince Albert. Wahpeton Dakota Nation is the smallest Band within the Prince Albert Grand Council and has the highest employment rate per capita.
There are seven of nine family groups living on Wahpeton Dakota Nation and each of these groups appoint one family member to represent them on each committee. The committee is the recommending body to the Chief and Council with each committee being chaired by the respective Portfolio Councilor. The Chief and Council ratify all recommendations brought forth by the committees. The major decisions are made at the Chief and Council level or at the General Assembly.
Wahpeton Dakota Nation identifies the following six priorities and objectives: Community, Spirituality and Culture, Education and Training, Programming and Recreation, Job Creation and Economic Development and Residential and Infrastructure Development to create a united community of individuals and families who are proud, healthy, spiritual and prosperous.

Wood Mountain Lakota Nation
The Wood Mountain First Nation is located 237 kilometers southwest of Regina (3 hours 30-minute drive). It has a total registered population of 286, with 7 on reserve. 0 Band members currently live on other reserves. 274 of the total Band Membership currently lives off the reserve.
There are approximately 2 children (0-18) on the reserve.
The following resources are offered to the community through the File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council and those services offered to urban residents through such places as the Regina Treaty Status Indian Services, Inc.: Child Protection Services, Educational services, Social Development programs, Health services, Justice, Economic Development, Housing, Public Works, Recreation and Youth programs. Youth and Educational services are provided by neighboring off reserve communities as there is no school on the reserve.
Previous Enhanced Prevention programs/partnerships offered in the community in the past though the former QCFS: There have been no Enhanced Prevention Services specifically offered on the reserve due to the size of the on-reserve population, though the band does participate in programs and services offered through the agency in partnership with existing participating First Nations Communities.
WMLFN listed the following as priorities: Community and Growth, Offer the Opportunity to learn about Lakota Sioux Traditional Ceremonies, Language and Values, Have Child and Youth Cultural Camps, develop a Safe Outdoor Environment for our Children and Youth, and to Host a WMLFN Annual Pipe Ceremony, Feast and Powwow.