QBOW Youth Needs Assessment Report – January 2021
The February 2020 QBOW Youth Summit in Saskatoon brought together youth from each of QBOW’s communities to participate in two days of spiritual and educational activities. The summit also included entertainment of various kinds, a daily pipe ceremony, a round dance, and career fair. Over 300 youth/chaperones participated with over a dozen presenters, performers, and facilitators.
QBOW used the opportunity to gather information from the participants about their unique needs as youth in our communities. Summit participants were asked to complete a Needs Assessment Survey. In total, 290 Needs Assessments were completed.
This document provides a summary of the overall survey findings. A more detailed report, which includes the survey findings by community and a ‘snapshot’ of results for each of the communities can be found here: Detailed QBOW Youth Needs Assessment Report – January 2021.
Youth Interest in Various Activities
In general, youth have broad interests and just want to see more programs and activities in general in their communities. Overall, youth are most interested in traditional ceremonies – pow wows, round dances, feasts, sweats, Sundances, storytelling, etc. This is followed by programs and activities with horses – riding, relay, equine therapy, etc. and arts – painting, photography, sculpture, etc. Youth are least interested in dance – hip hop, modern, etc., and youth chief and council.
Other Programs and Activities Youth Would Like to See Offered
Youth were asked about other programs they would like to see in their communities. This was an open, short-answer format that allowed the youth to write whatever they wanted. The top five programs and activities youth would like to see offered are: Sports & Exercise, Youth Centre/Activities, Outdoors (camping, hunting, animals), Ceremonies & Traditional Teaching/Activities and Music.
Having a Voice
Youth were asked if they feel they are listened to and how their ideas and opinions are regarded by adults in their community. More than half of them answered “sometimes”. Another 26% of the youth said they do not feel that they have a voice and do not feel that their opinions and ideas matter to the adults in their community, while 22% said they do feel like they have a voice.
What Makes You Feel Strong and Happy
Youth were asked what things bring them strength and happiness. This question was answered by 238 and skipped by 39. This was a short answer question that allowed the youth to write whatever they wanted and to include as many ideas or answers as they chose. The top five responses included: family, friends, art/music/dance, sports and exercise, and cultural activities.
Issues and Challenges Youth are Facing
Youth were asked to rate how big of a problem 9 different issues are in their lives. Overall, mental health is the issue that youth identified as the biggest problem they are facing. Second, addictions is a major problem in the lives of QBOW youth. Financial issues (“money”) is also an important problem concerning the youth.
QBOW Programs and Services
Youth were asked what other kinds of beneficial programs and services the youth thought QBOW might provide in their communities.
- Community Events and Activities (more community events, clubs, family days, outdoor activities)
- Cultural Programs and Gatherings (tipi teaching, native food, round dances, mini pow wows, ceremonies, teachings about culture)
- Sports (Soccer, kickboxing, rinks with boards, more sports programs, classes/instructors, horse riding)
- Workshops/Speakers/Trainings (presentations on facing reservation challenges, life skills, things to keep us away from drugs and alcohol, inspirational speakers, conferences, addictions and violence free workshops , anger management, help dealing with stress, workshops on bullying and self-harm).